Wednesday, 29 October 2014

A Day In The Life Of A Dreamer. About me, Richard Smith. Day One. 29/10/2014 - 21:11.

About me. Richard Smith.

I start off with the about me because I always find it the hardest to say, and probably one of the most important things to start off with. No point in my talking and talking and you guys have no idea who I am. So here it goes. Me.

My name is Richard Peter Smith. A simple name but a name nonetheless. I am 22 years old and am currently living in the south of England, near Brighton. But I haven't always lived here. I've actually only been living here for just over a year. I was born and raised in Chelmsford, Essex and how I came about living down here is a happy story with a sad ending. But right now, that doesn't matter. I obviously have parents, and their names are Karen and Peter Smith. I have three sisters, (Order from oldest to youngest but all older than me. The only boy and the youngest child) Laura, Victoria and Stephanie Smith. I also have two beautiful nieces Amelia and Eliza and a very strapping young nephew Alexander. (Who looks like me).

So, my hobbies and interests? This is probably like everyone else now because this is 'mainstream' but I was this before it was mainstream. And the 'this' I'm referring to is a geek. A proper geek. Not like the mainstream wannabes that claim they are a geek because they've watched two of the Batman films and now believe they know everything about Batman. (I say two because 99% of the time, they've only watched The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises.). I was a geek in school and got bullied for it. Now the guys that bullied me are now 'geeks' ergh. Anyway rant over.
When I say I'm a geek I'm not just referring to films but comics, graphic novels, video games, the lot. I have pretty good knowledge on both Marvel and DC. I just love them, I love escaping into the world, it's a nice escape from reality.

I love music. I listen to music pretty much everyday. It's just such an inspiring thing! I am listening to music as I write this! Anyway, I really want to learn to play the saxophone. The sounds it makes is amazing but until I learn how to play it, I'll have to stick to dancing. And yes, I just said dancing. I love dancing, and I'm not talking about standing in a club bobbing up and down, I'm talking about proper dancing, like jive and street. Dancing is a passion of mine and whenever I get the chance to boogie, I will!

Video games, boy do I love video games. I'm not going to talk too much about this because it's pretty standard. I love all games and play them a lot. Click on my Google Profile and it'll take you to my YouTube. I record gameplay videos but so far it's a flop. Aha.

Getting fit. Right, this is a strange one for me. I'm about average size but people seem to think I'm too skinny. When I was 11, I got food poisoning on holiday. I was extremely ill and lost a lot of weight in a short period of time. This lead on to IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) which is a life long illness. I find it extremely hard to put on weight but I'm trying. Three meals a day, full fat milk and working out to tone up. So far it's going pretty good. Just need to really work on building weight! Wish me luck guys.

I love writing. I write stories but never get round to finishing them due to believing they are not good enough. My best friend Ryan Phillips and I write all the time, we are currently working on a Trilogy called the Blood Trilogy. It's based in a fantasy world which we have made up. Everything is original and came from our minds. I'll put the link here if you guys want to check it out?
(We still need to pay for a URL aha).

Tattoos and piercings. Unfortunately, I am still yet to get a tattoo. I am booking one of the 15th of next month and it's going to be epic! I love the design and I cannot wait. I am currently stretching my ear and have a lip piercing (they use to be snakebites but then I lost one and it healed over). My dream is to have sleeve tattoos and a few more piercings. (See picture below)

Now let's get to the point at hand. Why am I writing this blog. Because I'm a dreamer. I like to believe that something 'different' will happen in my life. I want to become an actor (how very cliché I know but I do, I really do). I want to travel the world and see incredible things. I don't want to be the average Joe like everyone else and live to work and work to live. I DO NOT WANT THAT LIFE. I want to do something different. And this is just the start. Maybe one day mine and Ryan's stories will get published, maybe one day one of my dreams will come true. I'm single, I'm young and I'm free and I want to capitalize on that.. and I want to bring you guys along for the journey! That's why I'm doing this. Everyday. And when that day does come that I achieve one of my dreams, you guys would of backed me all the way. I want to buy a decent camera for some amazing photos and a video camera to capture all them awesome moments in life. But right now, my phone will do! So.. Day One is over. And I shall see you guys tomorrow.

Peace Out

Richie (Roo.)

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